The Italian Club hosts various types of meetings.
Once monthly, on the third Wednesday of the month, the club gathers for a dinner meeting that features entertainment or a presentation of cultural, historical, or educational value. Meetings include opportunities to socialize with other club members, enjoy a multi-course Italian meal and learn together.
In January, the club holds its annual business meeting during which elections are conducted.
Additionally, the club promotes and/or collaborates on special events in the community throughout the year, including hosting a book club, touring museum exhibits, attending performing arts events, and participating in Italian cultural celebrations.
Past presentations have included lectures on Italian art, soccer, and writers.
For many years the Italian Club has committed to financially supporting students in the St. Louis metropolitan area through annual scholarship awards.
These awards have recognized excellence in the study of the Italian language at various local institutions, ranging from elementary school to the university level. Recipients in recent years have studied Italian at St. Ambrose School, Saint Louis Community College, St. Louis University, Washington University and Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville.
The scholarship funds come from contributions of the generous members of the Italian Club, and are welcomed in any amount, small or large.
The National Italian American Foundation has awarded Elizabeth Deverman, studente member of the Italian Club, a 2024 Ambassador Peter F Secchia Voyage of Discovery Program trip to Italy. Elizabeth will be traveling to the city of Milano and to the region of Friuli Venezia Giulia.
The Italian Club has long recognized individual accomplishment and/or significant contribution to the Italian-American community with the Italian Heritage Award.
The award is bestowed during the month of October in most years by the Board of Directors to acknowledge those of the Italian-American community who in their way have enhanced the experience of others. The Board always welcomes nominations for this honor and seeks recipients who may or, as is often the case, may not be widely known, so that we might celebrate the heretofore unheralded.

> Italian Open. St Louis Children’s Charity Golf Tournament
> The Hill Neighborhood Center
The Italian Club has supported the efforts of club members engaged in genealogical research. This research has served to assist in the construction of family trees, locating distant relatives, and obtaining recognition of Italian-American Dual Citizenship.
Feel free to inquire of a board member to discuss your specific needs and how the club might assist you.
Useful Links: My Italian Family Ancestry