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This section is for all lovers of Italian culture and cuisine who are looking for ways to celebrate their love of all things Italian.


Carnevale in italy

Carnevale, known to us as Mardi Gras, takes place in Italy during the weeks leading up to Easter.  It is the multi-week party leading up to Ash Wednesday, when the restrictions and solemnity of the Easter season begin.  There are parades, masquerade balls, entertainment, music, and other festivities, including rich foods and drink.  Maschere, or masks, and elaborate costumes are worn by revelers.  Frivolities and pranks abound, thus the saying "a Carnevale ogni scherzo vale," meaning anything goes during Carnevale.


Carnevale is officially celebrated on Martedì Grasso, commonly known as Fat Tuesday, which is the day before Ash Wednesday.


2024 italian heritage award recipient


The Italian Club of St. Louis is honored and pleased to announce that the 2024 Italian Heritage Award has been presented to Angelo Sita.


Angelo, born in St Louis, Missouri possesses a lifelong passion for Italian Americans as well as for the Italian American culture represented in St Louis.  He has been an active part of the Italian American community of St Louis for over fifty years and acquired Italian Citizenship in 2008.  He served on the Board of Directors for many Italian American organizations in St Louis including: the Fratellanza Society, the St Louis Chapter of UNICO National, the Italian Club of St Louis, the Italia America Bocce Club, the Circolo Society, the Sicilian Cultural Association, the Hill Business Association, the St Ambrose Knights of Columbus, the St Louis Columbus Parade Committee, the St Louis-Bologna Sister City Committee, the St Louis Metro Chapter of UNICO National, the Italian Community Band of St Louis, the Civic Italian American Organization (CIAO) of St Louis, and the Federation of Italian American Organizations.


Angelo was elected to the Comites - Chicago in 2008.  The Comites board is elected by Italian citizens and reports to the Italian Council in Chicago.  As a member of the Comites, he was invited to the Italian Embassy in Washington, DC to participate in electing delegates from the United States to the Italian Chamber of Deputies in Rome.  In 2015, he was again elected to serve on the Comites.  It can be difficult and expensive for people in St Louis to travel to Chicago to obtain passports and Italian citizenships so in 2015 and 2016, Angelo made arrangements for Ettore Scalia, a representative of the Italian Consul's office in Chicago, to visit St Louis resulting in 33 Italian citizenships being granted and 40 new passports issued.


The Comitato Tricolore per Gli Italiani Nel Mondo (Tricolor Committee for Italians in the World) presented Angelo with their Diploma d'Honore in 2017.


Angelo was the Co-Chair of the 1992 National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) annual banquet in Washington DC.  Among the 3,000 people in attendance were First Lady Barbara Bush and Democratic Candidate William Clinton.  This banquet raised over $25 million for NIAF.


Angelo was a founding member of:  The St Ambrose Knights of Columbus, the Sicilian Cultural Association, the Italian Community Band, and the Hill Business Association.


Angelo worked with the Missouri Botanical Society to sponsor Italian Festivals and he worked with the Missouri History Museum to highlight three programs featuring Italian contributions to the St Louis area.


Angelo was elected President of UNICO Nationl in 1988.  He invited the Presidents of NIAF and the Order of Sons of Italy to attend the convention.  This was the first time all three national presidents attended the same function.


In 1987, he worked with the Mayor of St Louis to establish contact with the Mayor of Bologna to formalize a Sister City relationship.  In 2023, Angelo and Bishop Mark Rivituso, were successful in making a cultural exchange with the Cathedral of Monreale.  The Bishop of Monreale loaned St Louis a relic of Saint Louis (King Louis IX) and the Biship of St Louis sent Monreale a mosaic.






Share your love of all things Italian by sending us your favorite places, stories, recipes, books or family traditions.

Cremona by Angela Pasetti Holland


One of my favorite places to visit when I’m in Italy is the beautiful, ancient city of Cremona. My mother grew up in this fair Lombardian town and lucky for me I’m able to visit my relatives there any chance I get.


Cremona is located in Lombardy a short train ride south from Milan. It is of course known for its lengthy musical history of producing the famous Stradivarius violins and other stringed instruments. It was the birthplace of Antonio Stradivari and to this day is home to the world’s best luthiers. A visit to the Museo del Violino is a must for any first-time visitor.  There and throughout the city one can stop to admire an artisan crafting one of these fine masterpieces.  It’s a pure delight to stroll through its narrow streets and hear the soft sounds of violins tuning and playing nearby.


Of course, like other Italian cities Cremona boasts a breathtaking piazza with its unique Romanesque Duomo, the Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta and its octagonal Baptistry.  The Torrazzo is the symbol of the city and by the way is the third tallest brickwork bell tower in the world. I’ve enjoyed many a gelato or apperitivo here at a café overlooking this beautiful setting.


Cremona is also known for its contributions to ‘la cucina Italiana’.  It’s known for its stuffed pastas like marubini or tortelli di zucca and various styles of risotti. I had some of the best marubini in brodo, outside my home at the very casual neighborhood Trattoria Cerri.  They tasted just like the ones my Nonna used to make.  On the sweet side Cremona is known for the famous nougat candy, Torrone which we see during the holidays but there you can find anytime. The sweet-spicy, syrupy fruit, Mostarda is also original to this city.  My parents used to serve it with their turkey instead of cranberries, but it’s usually served with bollito misto.


So, the next time you have the opportunity to travel to Italy take a side trip to this often overlooked treasure. You can stay at Hotel Impero, Piazza della pace, 21—literally steps from Cremona’s beautiful Duomo and its town center. Vi auguro una buona permanenza!



Italia America Bocce Club

Check out the newest events at the Italia America Bocce Club or join a league.


The Hill Neighborhood Center at 1935 Marconi Avenue

The Hill Saint Louis – Run by the Hill Neighborhood Association.


Concerts at Piazza Imo 

For concert schedule and ticket information click here.


The Hill St. Louis Food Tour

Eat at the top restaurants On The Hill. Food tours last about 3 hours and run on Fridays and Saturdays. See: The Hill St. Louis Food Tour | EAT St. Louis Food Tours.


Winter Opera of St. Louis

Winter Opera offers many Christmas celebrations and a 3 production opera season. Check out their website: Upcoming Events–Winter Opera Saint Louis.


Italian Film Festival USA

Runs Italian Films in St. Louis venues during the month of April.

local Italian restaurants
per la strada

Pasta e fagioli

—dalla cucina di Jeanne Florini

A nickname for Tuscans is “mangiafagioli” (bean eaters). Beans (legumes) have been cultivated for centuries in Tuscany, with the the oldest a black eyed bean from before Roman times. Pliny the Elder wrote about the nutritional contributions of the fava bean (he was a naturalist and died trying to rescue friends after the eruption at Pompeii). The white cannellini bean appeared in Florence shortly after the discovery of America in 1492. Because beans are easy to grow, the peasants of Tuscany quickly learned to grow them and incorporated them into their diet. I, for one, am glad they did! Here is my version of pasta e fagioli (pasta and bean soup) which provides excellent nutritional benefits (including folate from the beans which helps the brain work better and protects the heart), and is an ideal comfort food. Serve with crusty bread!


Total yield: 8 cups    Serving size: 8 oz


Equipment needed: stockpot (large), immersion blender, measuring spoons/cups, cutting boards and knives


NOTE:  How To Make Vegetable Stock

Ingredients:    1 to 2 onions

                        2 to 3 carrots

                        3 to 4 celery stalks

                        4 to 5 sprigs fresh thyme (if use dried - 1 T.)

                        1 bay leaf

                        1 teaspoon whole peppercorns

                        8 cups water

Optional Extras: leeks (especially the green parts), fennel, tomatoes, mushrooms, mushroom stems (mushrooms will provide the umami flavor—that is typically found in a meat stock)                    

  1. Heat a few tablespoons olive oil over a medium heat.

  2. Add diced onion, celery and carrot.

  3. Cook, covered stirring occasionally until vegetables are soft (about 10 minutes). 

  4. Add remaining ingredients and bring to a gentle simmer. Cook gently for about an hour or until the stock tastes rich and full.

  5. Strain stock and compost vegetable solids.

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Italian Club of St. Louis

319 Oakwood Ave

Webster Groves, MO  63119

© 2025 by the Italian Club of St. Louis

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