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About the Course
This class follows Intermediate Italian 1. This class is designed to further build upon Italian grammar, vocabulary and the continued development of spoken and written language.
Required Textbook: Nuovissimo Progetto Italiano 1a
Publisher : Edizioni Edilingua srlu (June 13, 2019)
Language : Italian
ISBN-10 : 8899358443
ISBN-13 : 978-8899358440
Mondays, 2/3/25 - 3/24/25, 4:00 - 6:00 pm
Snow Makeup Day 3/31/25
St. Ambrose Church Hall - Lit Classroom

Your Instructor
Maria Brandle
Maria has offered courses in Beginning Italian for the Federation of Italian American Organizations of St. Louis and in Continuing Education at St. Louis Community College.
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